Armed Israeli Civilians Stop Terrorist Attack at Their Kibbutz

It was simply impossible for the military or police to protect all the civilian targets.


We have our own group, men aged between 20 and 40, who have been specially trained to be a civilian army. They are the ones who saved our lives,” the social worker and therapist said, recalling the moment emergency sirens sounded shortly before 6am on Saturday. . . .


“We turned off the lights, we had no food, some people had to use the safe rooms as bathrooms. The whole time we heard shooting outside.”

Gunfire raged and rockets flew overhead as the family attempted to keep the two babies quiet, she said.

“This went on for hours, and all the time, while we were inside, this group of men were just shooting at the terrorists who were trying to infiltrate our kibbutz. They killed a number of terrorists.”


Daisy Dumas and Caroline Davies, “British-Israeli survivor tells of horrific scenes after kibbutz attack,” The Guardian, October 10, 2023.

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