Artificial intelligence can be used to Stalk Victims with “Ease and Precision”

Advanced artificial intelligence technology can be used to stalk and even predict an unsuspecting victim’s movements. All the user would need is a photo and advanced artificial intelligence technology that already exists.

“So, for example, if you run into someone in public, and you’re able to get a photo of them, you might be able to find their name using online services. And if you pay enough, you might be able to find where they’ve been, where they might currently be and even predict where they’ll go.”

One company, PimEyes, which is an online face search engine that scours the internet to reverse image search, is fending off a legal complaint in the United Kingdom filed by privacy campaign group Big Brother Watch. 

The company says its product is intended to allow people to search for publicly available information about themselves, but Big Brother Watch said its uses can be much more sinister and are a “great threat to privacy of millions of U.K. residents,” according to the complaint. . . .

C.A. Goldberg, a New York City-based victims’ rights law firm dealing with AI-related crimes, warned the country about AI’s potential uses in stalking.

“AI could enable offenders to track and monitor their victims with greater ease and precision than ever before,” the law firm wrote in a blog post on its website

The law firm said AI-powered software analyzes vast amounts of data “in the blink of an eye,” which could give stalkers real-time access to their victims’ online activity and real-life whereabouts. . . .

Chris Eberhart, “Who is watching you? AI can stalk unsuspecting victims with ‘ease and precision’: experts,” Fox News, May 30, 2023.

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