“Ax-wielding attacker shot by gun-permit holder who was defending himself”

A dramatic case of a concealed handgun permit holder defending himself.


Merced County Sheriff’s deputies say an ax-wielding man was shot Tuesday evening after he allegedly attacked a property owner who has a concealed-carry permit.


. . . the suspect, identified as Luis Larios, was on the gun owner’s property, according to a Sheriff’s Office news release.


The property owner saw Larios sitting inside a vehicle stuck in the mud. The property owner was trying to help him get the vehicle out of the mud.


According to the release, Larios became angry and grabbed an ax from the trunk of his car. He then began swinging the weapon in a threatening way and tried to hit the property owner, who then fired his gun in self defense.


Deputies arrived at the scene and applied a tourniquet to Larios while waiting for an ambulance. . . .


Sun-Star Staff, “Ax-wielding attacker shot by gun-permit holder who was defending himself in Merced County,” Merced Sun-Star, January 10, 2023.

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