By a 56%-to-23% margin, voters favor Arizona-style vote audits, bi-partisan support

Auditors in Arizona found nearly 50,000 ballots deemed “questionable.” A new national telephone and online survey by Rasmussen Reports finds that 56% of Likely U.S. voters believe every state should require that ballots be available immediately after elections for bipartisan voter reviews to enhance election confidence and transparency. Only 23% are against ballot reviews.

Asked about “How concerned are you about the possibility of cheating in this year’s midterm elections?,” voters were concerned by a 62%-to-33% margin. Republicans were concerned by a 82%-to-14% margin, and even Democrats were concerned by a 49%-to-46% margin.

Asked about conducting an audit, voters supported this by a 56%-to-23% margin. Republicans were concerned by a 68%-to-16% margin, and even Democrats were concerned by a 45%-to-33% margin.

Voters slightly more trust Republicans than Democrats regarding the integrity of elections by a 42%-to-39% margin. And Independents trust Republicans by a 34%-to-32% margin.

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