CBS’ S.W.A.T.: A common theme in Television shows is that police support “common sense”/reasonable gun control, but the police might disagree

CBS’ S.W.A.T. makes the claim that all police support “common sense”/reasonable gun control (Season 5 Episode 6, Nov 12, 2021). The question is what constitutes “reasonable” gun control laws. What most police might think qualifies as “reasonable” is not what the producers and writers of the TV shows think are reasonable.

For a comparison, take a survey by PoliceOne, the largest private organization of police, with 450,000 members of which 370,000 are active full-time law enforcement.

What effect do you think a federal ban on manufacture and sale of some semi-automatic firearms, termed by some as “assault weapons,” would have on reducing violent crime?

None: 71%, Negative: 20.5%

Do you think a federal ban on manufacture and sale of ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds would reduce violent crime?

No: 95.7%, Yes: 2.7%

Do you think that a federal law prohibiting private, non-dealer transfers of firearms between individuals would reduce violent crime? (Universal Background Checks)

No: 79.7%, Yes: 11.5%

Do you support the concept of a national database tracking all legal gun sales?

No: 70%, Yes: 23%

If you were Sheriff or Chief, how would you respond to more restrictive gun laws?

Not enforce, vocal opposition: 44.9%

Not enforce, quietly lead agency in opposite direction: 17.2%

Unsure: 20% Enforce and publicly support: 7.9%

And so on. See more here

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