Columbine High School Mass Murderer Gun Control Supporter, Opposed permitted concealed handguns

With all the demonization of self-defense groups by the media, the media ignores the mass murders by leftists and gun control advocates. Here is something from the New York Times to remind people about the Columbine murderer Dylan Kleblod.

The father of one of the boys was asked some years ago to jot down his life’s goals in the memory book for his 20th high school reunion. His answer was succinct, straightforward, and, it seemed, not unrealistically ambitious: ”Raise two good sons.”

The other father prided himself on being his son’s soul mate. They had just spent five days visiting the Arizona campus where the teen-ager planned to enroll in the fall, and recently discussed their shared opposition to a bill in the state legislature that would have made it easier to carry concealed weapons.

So, on April 20, when Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold stormed into Columbine High School in this Denver suburb and killed 12 classmates and a teacher, then themselves, these men and their wives suffered more than the loss of a child. The boys’ bombs and bullets shattered their parents’ very view of the world, undermining what had seemed to them and others to be 18 years of responsible child-rearing. . . .

Pam Belluck and Jodi Wilgoren, “SHATTERED LIVES — A special report.; Caring Parents, No Answers, In Columbine Killers’ Pasts,” New York Times, June 29, 1999.

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