Florida, Nebraska, and South Carolina are moving towards Constitutional Carry

There are currently 25 Constitutional Carry states, with Louisiana allowing veterans and those in the military to carry without a permit. Florida and South Carolina are racing against each other to see who will be the 26th state. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has been pushing for Constitutional Carry since last April. In Nebraska, State Senator Tom Brewer said November’s election made the Legislature slightly more conservative, so there should finally be enough votes to advance the bill. Nebraska almost passed the law last year.

On the other hand, California and Maryland are discussing following New Jersey and New York and passing concealed carry laws that will make it impossible for people to carry. Maryland has a clear Right-to-Carry law with a large 599% increase in permits over the last year. The law in Maryland is in a lot of flux, and the proposal in California is in the early stages of consideration. Hawaii has also been given out permits, though both Hawaii County and the City and County of Honolulu are discussing creating gun-free zones.

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