Gun control advocates are clear. Jeffrey Fagan: “unless there are strong measures to reduce the supply of firearms, and also the legality of firearms, this will have little effect on the unacceptably high rates of both lethal and nonlethal firearm violence”

Fagan argues we must reduce the supply of firearms, not the supply of black market guns or guns in criminal hands, but guns in general. As we have pointed out many times, if such a claim was correct, that guns on net are bad, murder rates should fall whenever all guns or all handguns are banned, but every single time those bans have occurred murder/homicide rates have gone up.

Jeffrey Fagan, an expert on policing, crime and gun control and Professor of Law at Columbia Law School in New York, said: “Every little bit helps, including research, to slow the epidemic of gun violence. However, unless there are strong measures to reduce the supply of firearms, and also the legality of firearms, this will have little effect on the unacceptably high rates of both lethal and nonlethal firearm violence.”

BELINDA ROBINSON, “Questions raised over Biden gun measure,” China Daily, September 25, 2023.

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