Most Americans believe that the most important purpose of the 2nd Amendment is to ensure personal protection: Survey

A Rasmussen Reports survey from May 31 to June 5, 2022 shows that most Americans think that the Second Amendment’s most important purpose is to ensure personal protection. Fifty-four percent (54%) of Likely Voters believe the most important purpose of the Second Amendment is to ensure personal protection, while 33% think guarding against government tyranny is the amendment’s most important purpose and another 13% are not sure. Blacks are more likely than whites to say that the that guns are important to ensure personal protection (60%-to-54%). Similarly, women are more likely than men (56%-to-52%) and liberals are slightly more likely than conservatives (56%-to-52%) to say it is to ensure personal protection.

The lower income people are much more likely than the highest income people are more likely to believe the Second Amendment is to ensure personal protection (52%-to-44%).

Fewer Black voters (34%) than whites (42%) or other minorities (45%) say they or someone in their household owns a gun. More Black voters (61%) than whites (54%) or other minorities (51%) think the most important purpose of the Second Amendment is to ensure personal protection.

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