Nashville Fox 17: “Expert says delay to release Covenant School shooter’s writings ‘extremely unusual’”

Here is some of the text from the news segment.


Metro Nashville Police Chief John Drake said the shooter, later identified as a 28-year-old woman who identifies as transgender, had a detailed map, drawings of the school, and known entry points.


John Lott, who is president of the Crime Prevention Research Center, said “that’s very common.”

Lott has been studying mass shootings for more than 25 years. He added that it’s “extremely unusual” for the writings not to be released. . . .


Lott mentioned other mass shootings in which suspects scouted out places ahead of an attack, similar to Covenant. . . .


During the Aurora, Colorado movie theater shooting in 2012, writings revealed the shooter decided not to attack an airport because of too much security.


Lott said he believes it’s common for mass murderers to consider if they think folks will have guns.


That’s similar to the limited information known about the Covenant shooter, as police said the shooter had other locations in mind, but due to security measures, did not go there.


Lott said the writings are “extremely important” and often add insight into mass shootings, as well as the suspects. 


“You know what goes through their minds and why they pick the targets that they did,” said Lott. . . .


Amanda Chin, “Expert says delay to release Tennessee school shooter’s writings ‘extremely unusual’,” Fox 17 WZTV, May 18, 2023.

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