Nebraska state Senate has enough votes to overcome a filibuster on Constitutional Carry

The Nebraska state Senate needed 33 votes to overcome a filibuster, so they obtained two more than necessary. There are still two more votes that are necessary before the bill goes to the governor. Last year Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts promised to sign a Constitutional Carry bill if it gets to his desk. Georgia seeming like a sure thing (both the state House and Senate have passed similar bills, and the governor promising sign it). The legislatures of Ohio and Indiana already passed Constitutional Carry with overwhelming support, but the governors have to still sign off on them.

On Friday, a motion was called at 10:15 a.m. by Senator Matt Hansen to adjourn after there were heated words and accusations between several lawmakers. That motion was denied and debate continued. After a motion to end debate, and several others, a vote was taken. LB 773 advanced with a 35 – 9 vote.

Karla James, “Constitutional Carry Bill Advances In Nebraska Legislature,” KLIN radio, March 11, 2022.

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