Never a Successful Defensive Gun use on Entertainment Television, CBS’ SWAT

Television show bias against guns is never ending. You won’t see an entertainment television show that has a civilian successfully using a gun defensively. Instead, something always seems to go wrong when guns are used defensively, and this episode of CBS’ SWAT is no different (Season 4, Episode 17, May 19, 2021). In this episode, a truck driver tries to use a gun defensively to stop a sex trafficking gang, and ends up being seriously wounded by one of the criminals. The SWAT officers berate the trucker, make him apologize, and warn him that the next time he is attacked by a gang of sex traffickers he should call the cops. The obvious question is how quickly could the police have gotten there when this man was being attacked. He needed them literally in seconds.

If you watched entertainment television these days, you would never know that people use guns defensively some 2 million times a year. If you want some examples of people successfully using guns to stop crimes, here are some examples. Other example of people using guns to stop mass public shootings are available here.

SWAT S4 E17, May 19, 2021

The post Never a Successful Defensive Gun use on Entertainment Television, CBS’ SWAT appeared first on Crime Prevention Research Center.

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