On Sisters In Arms: Why gun-free zones are so dangerous. With guest Nikki Goeser

The CPRC’s Nikki Goeser talked to the Sisters in Arms about the dangers of gun-free zones.

Nikki Goeser is the Executive Director of the Crime Prevention Research Center and author of “Stalked And Defenseless: How Gun Control Helped My Stalker Murder My Husband in Front of Me.” Nikki was previously the Executive Director of the Congressional Second Amendment Caucus in D.C.

Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) is a research and education organization dedicated to conducting academic quality research on the relationship between laws regulating the ownership or use of guns, crime, and public safety; educating the public on the results of such research; and supporting other organizations, projects, and initiatives that are organized and operated for similar purposes. It has 501(C)(3) status and does not accept donations from gun or ammunition makers or organizations such as the NRA or any other organizations involved in the gun control debate on either side of the issue. Nor do they accept donations from organizations involved in the debate over illegal immigration. Their goal is to provide an objective and accurate scientific evaluation of both the costs and benefits of gun ownership as well as policing activities.

Nikki’s Contact Information: nikki@crimeresearch.org.

Sisters In Arms, June 20, 2023.

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