Pictures from our book signings and talks in Brazil and Peru and at the Council of National Policy, the Women’s Leadership Forum, and the Wyoming Legislative Freedom Caucus

During August and September, Dr. John Lott and Nikki Goeser gave many talks in South America and the US. A video of Lott’s talk in Peru is available here.

Lott’s talk in Brazil being advertised
John Lott taking a picture at a Press Conference in Brazil
Nikki Goeser’s afternoon talk in Brazil
Nikki Goeser’s main talk in Brazil
Book signing in Peru, a police general for Lima, Peru
Lott’s talk in Peru
Nikki Goeser’s talk in Peru
Nikki Goeser receiving a gift in Peru
Lott’s talk at the Women’s Leadership Forum in Phoenix
Nikki Goeser’s talk at the Women’s Leadership Forum in Phoenix
Nikki Goeser’s talk at the Women’s Leadership Forum in Phoenix
John Lott’s main talk at the Council for National Policy in Dallas
John Lott’s breakout talk at the Council for National Policy in Dallas
Meeting Congressman Louie Gohmert at the Council for National Policy in Dallas
John Lott talks to Wyoming state legislators who are members of the Freedom Caucus
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