Rasmussen Reports Survey: 31% of those who support a national gun registry and 40% of Democrats believe that a national registry will lead to the confiscation of “all guns”

According to a Rasmussen Reports Survey, likely voters in the US are evenly divided on whether there should be national gun registration. While Republicans oppose the idea by a two-to-one margin, Democrats support it by a similar margin. What is most interesting is that while two-thirds of Republicans think that registration will eventually lead to the confiscation of “all guns,” 40% of Democrats also agree that will be the end result. This seems pretty extreme given that we are talking about the confiscation of “all guns.” Presumably, these numbers would be much higher if it was just “semi-automatic” guns.

The crosstabs show that 31% of those who support a gun registry think that it will lead to the confiscation of “all guns” and 6% aren’t sure. Of those who live in a home without a gun, 46% think that a gun registry will lead to confiscation.

This survey is timely given the push for the Biden administration creating a national registration list:

The ATF disclosed to lawmakers that it manages a database of 920,664,765 firearm purchase records, including both digital and hard copy versions of these transactions. When a licensed gun store goes out of business, its private records detailing gun transactions become ATF property and are stored at a federal site in West Virginia. The practice has contributed to the fears of gun advocacy groups and Second Amendment champions in Congress that the federal government is creating a national database of gun owners, which violates longstanding federal statutes.

Adam Kredo, “Biden Admin Has Records on Nearly One Billion Gun Sales,” Washington Free Breacon, January 31, 2022.

The letter from the BATF is available here.

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