Texas about to adopt Constitutional Carry

Texas is about the 21st state that has Constitutional Carry.

Texas House, Senate strike compromise on bill legalizing permitless carry of handguns The agreement advances the legislation even closer to becoming law. Gov. Greg Abbott has said he will sign such a proposal.

The Texas House and Senate have reached a compromise on a bill to allow the permitless carrying of handguns, the top negotiators said Friday, moving it even closer to Gov. Greg Abbott‘s desk for a likely signature.

The author of the legislation, Rep. Matt Schaefer, R-Tyler, announced the deal in a statement Friday afternoon, and the Senate sponsor, Sen. Charles Schwertner, R-Georgetown, issued a subsequent statement also acknowledging an agreement. Details of the compromise were not immediately available.

“By working together, the House and Senate will send Gov. Abbott the strongest Second Amendment legislation in Texas history, and protect the right of law-abiding Texans to carry a handgun as they exercise their God-given right to self-defense and the defense of their families,” Schaefer said.

Patrick Svitek, “Texas House, Senate strike compromise on bill legalizing permitless carry of handguns,” May 21, 2021.

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