The CPRC forces Missoula County to keep a list of the number of people voting in the November 2022 election and a copy of the video of the vote count

The CPRC has done extensive research with the America First Policy Institute showing that there very few counties keep a list of the number of people who voted in the November 2020 election and that the few that do show a large gap of about 2.9% between the number of ballots counted and the number of people listed as voting. The Missoula County Election office also didn’t keep a list of the people who voted. After much fighting by the county, we were able to get them to sign a stipulation, that has been approved by a local judge that requires that they will keep a list of voters for the coming November 8th election and also retain the video of the vote count. The stipulation is available here. As you can see from the County’s opposition to a preliminary injunction, they strongly opposed to these terms, but it appears they believed that they were going to lose on the preliminary injunction so for this election they agreed to everything we were asking for. They still oppose agreeing to these conditions after this election, but it is a good sign that they felt it was necessary to give in at this point.

Other relevant documents are available here:

Motion for Preliminary Injunction

MC Response Opposition Motion Preliminary Injunction

Proposed Order for Preliminary Injuction

A radio station in Missoula, KGVO, covered the signing of the stipulation. There was no other coverage of the agreement.

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