TV Media Bias Pushing False Claims about Ghost Guns, NBC’s Law & Order

“Ghost guns” are homemade guns. It is already illegal to sell these guns because they don’t have serial numbers. Guns are pretty simple items to build. You can build a shotgun with a few pipes and a nail. Requiring background checks on all parts of guns has been one of the goals of Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown. You can find more information on ghost guns available here.

Once again Bloomberg’s gun control organizations could have written a recent episode of NBC’s Law & Order (indeed, it probably was) (Season 22, Episode 21, May 11, 2023). But the notion that these regulations will stop criminals from getting guns is a fantasy. The show would have you believe that there are plastic guns without a metal barrel and that creating a registry of all guns’ rifling patterns is important in solving crime. The notion that guns without a metal barrel has become “the new normal” is simply false, as such a gun has yet to be developed. 3D printers can be used to make metal guns, but they weren’t what was being discussed here and those guns will leave scratches on the bullet.

Hawaii has had registration and licensing since 1960, but they haven’t been able to use it to solve a single crime. New York and Maryland tried this, spending many tens of millions of dollars over fifteen years, but they couldn’t point to a single crime they had been able to solve. Gun control advocates claimed that 15 years for Maryland’s system just wasn’t long enough to show benefits. Having background checks on all the parts of guns is also seen as important to create a national gun registry, but again registries have never been useful in solving crime

Gun control advocates push for these background checks not because they believe they will reduce crime but just to make it costly for people to buy guns.

Not only are there already ways for criminals to get guns, such as drug dealers. It is just as difficult to stop criminals from getting guns to stop them from buying illegal drugs. The same source provides both items. In addition, technology is advancing to make it extremely difficult to stop criminals from getting guns, and the regulations are more likely to stop law-abiding citizens than criminals.

Other discussions on ghost guns is available here.

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