An End and a Beginning


As of 12:00 AM yesterday, I am no longer a Member of the California State Assembly. My term in office has expired and the new Assembly will be sworn on Monday.

My term in Congress begins on January 3. While amazingly, ballots are still being counted, at this point the scope of our victory has come into focus: We received more votes than any Republican running for Congress in California.

And as the 218th race to be called nationwide, our campaign was also the one that ushered in a new Majority in the House of Representatives – ending the Speakership of Nancy Pelosi and claiming a mandate to hold Joe Biden accountable.

It has been a whirlwind since Election Day, and I’ve spent two of the last three weeks in DC for orientation. So I apologize I haven’t provided more updates recently. But over the next week or two I’m planning to write posts on the following: 

  • Election results across California 
  • My impressions after two weeks in D.C. 
  • The new GOP Majority’s plans for oversight of the Biden Administration.
  • What to expect at the State Capitol, and how we can keep fighting for sanity in California with my new role in Congress.

In the meantime, you can see my recent national TV interviews here. There is so much to do, and I can’t wait to get started. 

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