Important Deadline


Dear Friends,

We are facing a key end-of-month deadline, and also a tightening race. That’s why I’m asking for your support today with a measure of urgency. Here is the political landscape:

  • The Democrats have added our race to their so-called “Red to Blue” list of seven districts they’re targeting in California.
  • National polls show that although Biden is historically unpopular, support is evenly split between Republicans and Democrats for Congress.
  • Our district has become less favorable for Republicans, only now having a slight advantage by voter registration.

In short, we still have the upper hand, but will only win if we bring just as much firepower as we did in the Primary. Please help supply the firepower we need with a contribution here.

Our opponent, Kermit Jones, is a stalking horse for Pelosi who would help her remain Speaker. He’s raising huge sums of money from liberals on the East Coast. He’s touting endorsements from the likes of Eric Swalwell. 

And he’s willing to do or say absolutely anything. We caught Kermit sending out a “push poll” testing his attacks against me, including the insane allegation that I support calls for a “second civil war in America.” A person this shameless would do grave damage in Congress.

Every dollar that we raise will go towards getting out the truth. Pelosi, Swalwell, and company essentially cleared the field for Kermit in the Primary, whereas we had a competitive race. So we have some catching up to do.

That’s why your support is so important

The Democrats see this seat as one they have a chance to steal in order to keep the Majority. But they also see our campaign as uniquely threatening. They don’t want our citizens movement to get a foothold in Washington.

They’ve seen the battles we’ve won. They’ve seen how, against all odds, we’ve fought back and defeated vaccine mandates, vaccine passports, mask mandates, and single-payer healthcare. They’ve seen how we’ve won lawsuits and gotten Newsom cronies fired.

They see how we expose the truth of what is going on at the State Capitol – and they really, really don’t want that kind of transparency at the U.S. Capitol. 

They also know we are uniquely positioned to warn the nation about the disastrous policies that are ruining California – and if necessary, about the disaster of Gavin Newsom himself.

What makes this a citizens movement is that my support comes from you. It’s a campaign that belongs to all of us. Whatever you can give today will make our campaign that much stronger and our chances that much better.

If we get over this final hurdle, it can mean a new era of Republican leadership with conservative fighters who will take action to turn our country around.

But if we rest on our laurels, we could face the prospect of a continued Pelosi Speakership, an emboldened Biden Presidency, and a Congressman Kermit joining forces with AOC and the Squad to hasten our country’s decline.

We simply cannot let it happen. The end-of-month deadline is upon us, and your support will make a big difference. Please make a quick, secure online citizen donation.

With immense gratitude,

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