It’s Certified


One month after Election Day, California is finally certifying the results.  

Ours was a race targeted by Pelosi’s “Red to Blue” program. Our opponent, who was recruited and funded by the National Democrats, spent over $3.2 million – almost all on attack ads. He boasted about making me “California’s youngest retiree.”

The voters had other ideas. We received 181,438 votes, the most of any Republican running for Congress in California. According to KUSI, as the 218th called race we “essentially firing Nancy Pelosi from her job as Speaker of the House.”

Our 7.3 percent margin of victory exceeds the Republican margins (1.8%, 2.1%, and 3.8%) in recent presidential and congressional elections. We did twice as well as Republicans running in competitive races nationwide, measured against the 2020 partisan baseline.

This is a tribute to what made our campaign unique: a citizen-backed, grassroots model that turned out voters and persuaded independents with a pro-freedom message. And it wasn’t just in the congressional race where our movement had an impact: 

  • My old Assembly district is now represented by two fighters: Josh Hoover and Joe Patterson. Josh, who served as my chief of staff, ousted an incumbent Democrat.
  • California is sending one other freshman Republican to Congress: John Duarte, who pulled out a hard-fought win by 564 votes. Here we are in Statuary Hall. 
  • Pro-parent candidates were elected to school boards across the state. In my home county, 27 out of the 29 candidates I endorsed were elected.  

Without a doubt, they will come at us again in 2024. But now, we can start making the changes our country so urgently needs. 

In fact, one change is already happening. Days after I called for an end to the military vaccine mandate, Congress is set to pass legislation that will do just that.

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