Justice at the Ballot Box


The Third District Court of Appeal has ruled against us. We are immediately seeking review by the California Supreme Court.

It’s an odd opinion. The Court sided with me and James on almost every issue, recognizing that our case raises “matters of great public concern regarding the Governor’s orders in the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic emergency.” The Court also rejected several far-fetched statutory arguments Newsom made to enlarge his emergency powers.

Yet the three Justices still somehow found a way to avoid reining Newsom in. The Court latched on to a federal case from _ that not even Newsom considered relevant. Jarringly, it became the first court to ever say a Governor “has the power to legislate.”

In truth, this intermediate court was always Newsom’s preferred forum. All three Justices have worked in the Governor’s Office; two also worked for the Attorney General. Yet we still won almost every argument. It appears the Justices understood that the Constitution requires striking down the Emergency Services Act but wanted to leave such a momentous action to the California Supreme Court.

So yes, we’re taking our case to the high court. But we’re not waiting for judges to restore our free society. We the People have taken matters into our own hands. Yesterday the Secretary of State announced the final tally of verified Recall signatures: 1,719,943, with almost a quarter million to spare.

For a year we’ve fought Newsom’s corrupt autocracy in every way possible. We’ve been attacked in the most shameful of ways. We’ve had every force of state power arrayed against us. We’ve been on the receiving end of abuses we never thought possible.

But our efforts have not been in vain. Applying constant pressure, we’ve cut through tangled webs of corruption and cleared out an opening for sweeping change. We’ve built a citizens movement the likes of which this state has never seen.

Now, we seek justice at the ballot box.

Help me keep fighting

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