My Last Day


Today, I’m stepping onto the Floor of the State Assembly for the last time. 

We’ve fought so many battles at this Capitol. Even when things seemed hopeless, we’ve fought as hard as we possibly could – because California is worth fighting for. Against all odds, we’ve won stunning victories. 

Now, I want to fight just as hard for our country as I have for our state. But I can’t do it without you. 

Today is also our campaign’s critical end-of-month deadline. 

With a contribution before midnight tonight you can help make sure this isn’t an end, but a tremendous new beginning

I try to always give you a realistic assessment of where we’re at, so here’s the truth: with 40 days until ballots go out, we are at greater risk than any time in the campaign. 

What was once a solidly red district has turned purple. The Democrats are targeting our race as a key to holding the Majority and keeping Pelosi as Speaker. 

You have the power to stop them by giving what you can towards today’s end-of-month deadline.

I can’t wait to fight against Pelosi and Biden just like we have against Newsom and the Supermajority. I can’t wait to shake up Washington like we have Sacramento. I can’t wait to tell you all about it through my blog.

But none of that will be possible if we fall short in November. 

You can help make it possible – you can make it the reality – with a Citizen Donation today.

If we do fall short in this race – if today is my last day fighting at any Capitol – I will still be proud of what we’ve accomplished. We’ve started a movement, and that movement will keep growing. But I will forever think about what might have been. 

What might have been possible if we took the momentum we’ve built to the next level. What might have been possible if we infused the fighting spirit of our citizens movement into a new Majority for our country.

Let’s not set ourselves up for regret; let’s not think about what might have been. Let’s seize the opportunity that is right in front of us. 

Let’s all donate as much as we can to make this an all-time Record Day.

The reason I ask for financial support is simply because that’s what it takes to win. Our chances of victory will rise or fall based on how much we have in the bank for TV ads, mail pieces, and other voter outreach. And time is running out to get the funds we need

I know that it is a sacrifice, and I can’t tell you how grateful I am. I’m not often at a loss of words, but I struggle to express how deeply I appreciate your sacrifice for our cause. 

I feel a strong personal connection with every supporter. We share the same values, we are fighting for the same principles, and we are willing to sacrifice for the sake of our community, our state, and our country. 

This sense of connection is what makes the sacrifices of public life worth it for me. It’s why I can keep taking the blows that come with being an agent of change: I know that I’m not alone. 

I know that I’m fighting alongside you. I know that no matter what they throw at us, we can fight through it together. That conviction is the key to every battle we’ve won. That conviction is behind every success I’ve ever had in the political arena.

If you can mark my last day at the State Capitol by providing the lift I need to get to the nation’s Capitol, it will make that conviction stronger than ever. 

Whether you are a first-time donor or a loyal supporter, you can help in time for the deadline at this link

With gratitude beyond measure,

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