Newsom Sends His Own Kids Back to School


I’m glad the Governor’s children can resume a high-quality in-classroom education. Every California child should have that same opportunity.

But instead, new reasons are being invented to keep schools closed. Sacramento unions are now demanding that even schools that can safely open remain closed so that no one gets “a head start.”

Other states are following the science. In Massachusetts the Education Secretary just said “it is increasingly clear that schools are not a source of transmission,” telling even high-risk communities to keep them open.

On top of the monstrous school closures, California is one of the only states not allowing youth sports. It’s no wonder counties have seen up to a 60 percent increase in youth mental health services. This is a humanitarian crisis of the government’s creation.

Enough is enough. If I have the honor to start a new term in December, I’ll immediately introduce a bill assuring every California family has the option of in-classroom instruction without further delay.

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