Newsom’s Critical Error


On Saturday, Gavin Newsom admitted the State of Emergency is illegal. 

In an interview with Fox 11, Newsom said he’s only keeping the emergency in place because the Legislature won’t pass the laws he wants; therefore, he must retain the dictatorial power to make laws himself. 

I spent almost a year prosecuting a lawsuit against Newsom and know he tends to put his foot in his mouth. By conceding the emergency is political, he’s admitted the legal requirements of the Emergency Services Act do not exist.

This critical error comes three weeks before a court will rule on the State of Emergency in a case brought by Mari Barke and the OC Board of Education. If the judge follows the law, he will have no choice but to order the emergency terminated. 

Newsom’s blunder also comes as LA County is about to reimpose a mask mandate. We’ve seen this movie before: Whenever LA does something insane, Newsom is not far behind with a statewide order.

It also comes as several large school districts are reimposing mask mandates. Yesterday, San Diego Unified’s Board President even said that students who do not want to wear a mask should not return to school at all.

Without the State of Emergency, the authority to issue those mandates is gone. That’s why in addition to the court case, I’m pressing the Legislature to stop this madness by passing my Resolution, ACR 46, to end the emergency immediately.

We’ve always known the likes of Newsom would try to make the government controls imposed in the name of COVID permanent. We’ve been preparing for this moment – we’ve built a powerful movement – and we’re not going to let it happen. 

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