One Million Signatures


In an example of lawful political change that honors democracy, the Newsom Recall has reached one million signatures. One long-time political strategy just said, “Very likely the recall qualifies.”

Of course, we cannot let up for a moment and need to make sure we have a huge cushion. 1.5 million signatures are required, so the campaign is aiming for at least 2 million.

The latest brouhaha is over the Re-Open California conference I’m a panelist at tomorrow. It’s absurdly being called a “super-spreader event” by the county health officer and now the Sacramento Bee wants Newsom to “crack down” on us so it can’t happen, calling it a “COVID denier circus” whose “real aim is to spread disinformation.”

We have truly tumbled through the looking glass. A newspaper wants the state to crack down on viewpoints it finds unworthy, and the government is trying to enforce an unlawful and unscientific restriction to suppress speech opposing its unlawful and unscientific restrictions.

If Newsom tries to shut down an entirely legal and safe event (outdoors, distancing, masks provided) just because the participants oppose his policies, this is truly the People’s Republic of California. I’m not too concerned I’ll get arrested, though. County Sheriff Scott Jones is one of the other panelists.

The biggest irony, of course, is that what’s proven to be the ultimate “super-spreader” is Gavin Newsom’s policies. His latest “major announcement” is a small business “relief” package with $1 billion in grants, which is kind of like handing someone a band-aid after you’ve sawed their leg off. The Associated Press asked for my reaction:

Assemblyman Kevin Kiley, a Republican from Rocklin and one of Newsom’s chief critics in the Legislature, said “What would help a lot more is if the governor stopped arbitrarily shutting them down and harassing them. Small businesses are not asking for the governor’s help. They are asking him to get out of their way.”

For those who have asked, still no word from the Court of Appeal in our case against Newsom. Hopefully they will set the date for oral argument soon. And my Recall Newsom book is available this Sunday. I should note that it’s not a partisan book. It makes a case for fundamental change that speaks to Californians of all parties.

One last thing: U-Haul has released a new study of migration between states. You’ll never guess which state is the most popular to leave.

Support my efforts to take on Newsom

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