The Bottom Is Falling Out for Newsom


There’s a new name in the mix for the Recall. You may remember him from his plaid ties.

At the time Donald Trump became President, Tom Steyer was already the biggest Democrat political donor in U.S. history. Nine months later, he launched a “Need to Impeach” campaign that would burn through another $75 million of his hedge fund fortune. In mid-2019, he began a vanity presidential run, spending $250 million without winning a single delegate.

This all apparently made an impression on Gavin Newsom. Last April, he tapped Steyer to lead California’s economic “recovery” as chair of an 80-member task force, describing him as a “civic leader.” It was classic Newsom, selling access and influence to the highest bidder.

Steyer’s commission turned out to be as much of a bust as his presidential campaign. Consumer advocates likened it to a “star chamber,” Disney CEO Bob Iger resigned in protest, and Newsom scrapped the whole thing last November with the economy very much unrecovered.

Yesterday, we received a clue as to Steyer’s next act. He was caught putting out a poll on the Recall with a list of candidates that included his own name. It’s the clearest sign yet that the bottom is falling out for Newsom, as he faces competition from his party’s all-time biggest promoter and his own high-profile appointee.

Not that Steyer would have a chance. Odds are his campaign for governor would resemble his bid for the White House: cash-rich and vote-poor. But he’s not the only Democrat being mentioned for the Recall. Former LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa is also thought to be mulling a run.

On the Republican side, there are now a few declared candidates, including Doug Ose, a former Member of Congress; John Cox, the 2018 GOP nominee; Kevin Faulconer, the former Mayor of San Diego; and Major Williams, who was in the audience at our trial against Newsom. The field will likely narrow as the election nears.

The name that’s generating an extraordinary level of grassroots enthusiasm is Ric Grenell. Grenell, who has not announced his intentions, is also offering some bold ideas on topics like infrastructure and is receiving nightly shoutouts from the likes of Sean Hannity.

As for my own plans, I am tremendously grateful for all of your encouragement. I am still watching how the field shapes up and thinking about what role I can play to be most effective in helping our movement get across the finish line.

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