The Defining Issue


Gavin Newsom spent the last two days ranting about “rights” being taken away. This confused me. I thought we were in a State of Emergency where the concept of rights doesn’t exist.

He rushed out a new campaign ad calling the leaked Supreme Court opinion “the defining issue of the 2022 election.” Echoing my last post, many likened it to the opening salvo in a presidential campaign.

If elected to Congress, I intend to fight Biden just as hard as I’ve fought Newsom. And if Newsom has any inkling of replacing Biden, I will be there to quash it – to make sure everyone knows just how badly he’s ruined California.

In fact, we’ve just learned California’s population declined by 117,552 people last year. It’s not because we no longer have good weather. Ron DeSantis called Newsom’s home of San Francisco a “dumpster fire,” which is probably too mild a description.

Our hysterical governor aside, I believe the defining issue in the 2022 election is this: will we as a nation continue down the disastrous path of California, or will we return to the Founding principles that made America the greatest country in the world.

I am hopeful we’ll make the right choice, supplanting wokeness with a reawakening. Two powerful forces are about to meet: a state and nation that have run badly amok, and a movement of extraordinary citizens joining together to right the ship.

I want to be a Congressman for all California conservatives and patriots: to be your voice, to help our movement grow, to report to you from the halls of Washington, to shake up our nation’s Capitol like we have our state’s. This is the time to fight like never before.

Help me win this election and fight for the America we all believe in

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