We’ve Won Our Case Against Governor Newsom


Today, a California Superior Court ruled in favor of me and fellow legislator James Gallagher in our lawsuit challenging Gavin Newsom’s abuse of power. You can read the ruling here.

The Judge ruled that Governor Newsom violated the State Constitution by issuing Executive Order N-67-20. More importantly, she found good cause for a permanent injunction restraining the Governor from issuing any further unconstitutional orders:

The Court rejected Newsom’s extraordinary claim that a State of Emergency turns California into an autocracy and “centralizes the state’s powers in the hands of the Governor.” This is the unlawful basis on which Newsom has collapsed California’s system of checks and balances, issuing 57 Executive Orders and changing over 400 laws unilaterally.

It’s a “tentative ruling,” meaning Newsom has a few days to try to persuade the Judge to change it, but that rarely happens. While Newsom can appeal, we are confident the decision is on solid legal ground and will stand.

The era of one-man rule in California is over.


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