NonCompliant Movie Official Trailer #3


NonCompliant: A Documentary to unite the people with their historical and constitutional authority to secure, preserve, and prosper Liberty for future generations. We are not condemned to be servants or subjects. We have a Power, we must simply KNOW that power and STAND!

Watch this POWERFUL documentary NOW at

What People are saying:

Don’t miss this!!! -Rebecca Aylsworth
This was fantastic and should be required viewing for every citizen of our country! Kris Ann Hall knows the Constitution inside and out. I learned so much! Time for us to take back our power!

Inspiring and motivating…with a call to action! – Brooke Schultz
This film helps illustrate how much we’ve been conditioned to be subjects and how separated we are from our founding documents. It has a strong call to action and clear steps to take back our power from government bloat and overreach.

This is the only peaceful answer to battle…. -Victor Sperandeo
Watching “Non Compliant “ the documentary, we’ll teach you more of the Foundation of the America, and it’s Constitutional Republic laws ,than 7 years of Harvard and it’s law school . All in an hour and 23 minutes!
Moreover , it will discuss how to battle the current attack of our way of life , and of the bondage of the citizens or the people.
This is the only peaceful answer to battle the Gov’t and it’s evil attempt of conquering liberty!

Beautifully explained, inspiring. -Laura
Thank you for explaining all of the information in such an easy to understand and inspiring way for free!

Should be required viewing in by everyone. Especially in our schools! -Jim Yowell
This is one of, if not THE best videos about our country I’ve ever seen!!!

The danger of lack of knowledge! -Sandi T
The USA has strayed SO FAR away from what it was Created to be, because of lack of knowledge. We The People must study the Truth, so we can defend and restore it, and our Inalienable Rights, to the proper order! Thank you, KrisAnne, for this education that is so needed. This information should be basic knowledge of every Citizen of every age, AND EVERY GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL! Every minute is a gem of great worth, that has me wanting to capture it and share it! I’ve watched it three times already… I wish I can memorize it all! Please turn the transcript of it into a book!

Inspiration Personified -Wiccan Conservative
KrisAnne takes my two most favorite subjects, History and English, and uses them to educate and inspire. Her words should be heard far and wide, not because they are novel or daring, but because they are the timeless ideals of the foundation of our nation. This clear, thoughtful and logical presentation of our Constitutional Foundation is the only solution that has never been applied in our country. It surely has the best chance for success, which explains why it is being so desperately misinterpreted, abused, and categorized as hateful behavior. Spread the truth. Do not comply with tyranny. Stand United.
-Love and Light

Eye-opening -Virgie Lindner
Thank you for this very clear, concise & very eye-opening teaching video. Every church group & individuals need to watch this—how We the People have grown comfortable & readily accepting that we are ruled by the government & have forgotten—freely handed over our right to rule. I will encourage my family, friends & church to watch & support this. God bless you & your staff for speaking up & waking up people.

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