Are You Prepared to NOT Die This Winter? Time to Pay Attention to the “Preppers” if You Want to Survive

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

The online “prepper” community has probably produced more false prophets over the past couple of decades than any other online community.

With every pending catastrophe facing society, their “Chicken Little the Sky is Falling” doomsday message always seems to fall short of predicting the collapse of society.

I was a big part of this online prepper community starting back in 1997, as I began to prepare my family for what could have been one of those catastrophic events that seemed at the time to be possibly pending, Y2K, where the world’s computers changed the year on their internal clocks from 1999 to 2000.

Would there be a total collapse of society if most of the world’s computer systems interpreted this date change as being year 00, the two digit shortened abbreviation for the year, and stopped functioning properly?

Fortunately, and possibly due in a large degree to the Y2K fear, the IT community made mammoth changes to try and prevent this from happening, and those fears never materialized.

I never apologized for being a “false prophet,” however, because spending almost 3 years studying how fragile our supply chain was, and how dependent people were on the economic “system,” forced me to make some major changes in my life and how I viewed the world’s economic system.

In 1998 I moved my family to my wife’s home country, the Philippines, where we renovated her family’s long abandoned farm house in a remote mountainside community where we began to live in preparation for the Y2K events to unfold. It was an agricultural community and for the most part self-sustaining, and we began farming ourselves.

What was not produced in the community could easily be obtained by going down the mountain into the nearby town once a week on market day. In the market there were goods from other parts of the Philippines, such as fresh fish from the ports that were not available in our mountain community, which were easily obtained.

We made the switch to coconut oil as our dietary oil, since everyone in this rural, poor community made their own coconut oil from the abundant coconuts that pretty much grew in everyone’s backyard. Clusters of coconuts can be harvested every 45-60 days from a mature coconut tree, supplying fresh coconut water, milk, and meat year-round.

Y2K passed and the world survived, and I began to publish much of what I learned about sustainable, traditional food and herb production in the Philippines on the Internet, which soon grew into a business that I could support my family with, and bless many other people with as well.

It taught me how to live “off the grid” and as independent from the economic system as was possible. Even after we moved back to the U.S., I mostly kept to my “prepper” ways, always having a “bug out” plan ready should the very fragile economic and supply chain system fail.

Today, if you are unfamiliar with the “prepper” mindset as we head into the winter of 2021-22, your life may be in imminent danger, and the “Chicken Little the Sky is Falling” doomsday prophets may finally be coming true.

And if it is, many of you reading this today may end up dying, especially if you have not stored up food, have no reserve water plans in place, and have no alternative energy plan in place if you live in a cold climate where you would not survive more than a night or two without heat.

I hope I am wrong, again. I really do!

But it is never fruitless to make preparation plans for something that may never happen. It produced a new business and way of life for me, back in 2000. I have never regretted becoming a “prepper” and planning for the destruction of our modern, fragile, economic system.

But if you are dependent on the “system” to always be there to protect you in times of national emergencies, your life may be hanging by a thread right now if that system collapses, and you have no plans in place for such an event.

Even the pharma-owned corporate media is warning about things like this happening, although without the sense of urgency since that goes against their “journalistic standards.”

Here is an article published by Newsweek a couple of days ago showing how some parts of the country are already seeing food shortages.

Videos Show Empty Shelves Across U.S. Stores As Food Shortage Fears Rise

If you are late to the game in preparing for what could very well be a catastrophic winter ahead, it is time to start listening to the preppers.

I do not know the person in this video, Brad, that someone sent to me, as I have not been a part of this online community of preppers for many years now, but this is what his YouTube channel says about him:

Brad is a wilderness survival instructor, photographer, independent researcher, adviser and computer programmer. For over 5 years his trending algorithm has sifted through critical news events from around the world that the aware need to know before FSS delivers this information to the public on the Youtube Channel Full Spectrum Survival.

This video he just produced is backed up with factual information, and so it is well worth your time to listen to it.

I don’t know why Brad only communicates on Google-owned properties like YouTube and Gmail, which is now controlled by the CIA and other intelligence agencies that can flip the switch anytime and turn you off. They probably have not gone after the “prepper” crowds yet, mainly because most Americans are not interested in what they say.

But that could change soon, so we are also uploading this urgent message to our Bitchute and Rumble channels as well.

Related Must-Read articles if you have not read them yet:

Unmasking The Global Food Cartel: Is Massive Starvation and Population Reduction Their Next Move?

Most Americans Have No Idea How Close They are to Poverty, Starvation, and Death

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See Also:

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See the Full List of Tragic Deaths and Injuries Here!



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The post Are You Prepared to NOT Die This Winter? Time to Pay Attention to the “Preppers” if You Want to Survive first appeared on Medical Kidnap.

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