CDC: 16,310 DEAD 778,685 Injured Following COVID-19 Shots – 2.5X More Deaths than Following ALL Vaccines for Past 30 Years – 2,102 Fetal DEATHS

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

The CDC released more data into VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) this past Friday which included cases through October 1, 2021.

The U.S. Government is now reporting that in the past 10 months since the emergency use authorization for the COVID-19 shots 16,310 people have died following those shots. (Source.)

By way of contrast, prior to December, 2020, the date when the first COVID-19 shots were given emergency use authorization, 6,214 people reportedly died following ALL FDA-approved vaccines for the past 30 years. (Source.)

So in the past 10 months, over 2.5X more people have died following COVID-19 shots than people dying after all vaccines for the past 30 years, according to official government statistics.

In addition to recording over 2.5X more people dying after a COVID-19 shot, in the past 10 months following COVID-19 shots there have been more permanent disabilities, more life threatening reactions, and more hospitalizations than the past 30 years following all vaccines.

And yet the CDC and the FDA continue to lie to the American people and people around the word by claiming COVID-19 shots are “Safe and Effective.”

In addition to these recorded deaths following COVID-19 shots, the VAERS database has now recorded 2,102 fetal deaths following the injection of COVID-19 shots into pregnant women for the past 10 months. (Source.)

By way of contrast, VAERS lists 2,184 fetal deaths following all vaccines for the past 30 years. (Source.) So about as many babies have been lost to pregnant women for the past 10 months following COVID-19 shots as have been lost to pregnant women for the past 30 years following all vaccines.

And yet the CDC and FDA are telling all pregnant women to get a COVID-19 shot. (Source.)

Record Number of People Suffering Blood Clots and Heart Disease Following COVID-19 Shots

The CDC admits that there are risks of blood clots (thrombosis) and heart disease (myocarditis and pericarditis) from the COVID-19 shots, especially among young males.

But they brush aside these known side effects as “rare” and continue to push at-risk people to get the shots.

They do this through “selective bias” by only including in their reports some of these side effects, but not all of them.

Fortunately, the VAERS database is open to the public to fact-check their claims. We have run searches on ALL cases of both thrombosis and carditis, and then compared that data to the data associated with all vaccines for the past 30 years by way of comparison.

The most recent (10.1.21) data entered into VAERS for COVID-19 shots during the past 10 months lists 12,553 cases of thrombosis (blood clots), resulting in 589 deaths, 869 permanent disabilities, and 2,543 life threatening events. (Source.)

Using the same data set, we performed the exact same search for thrombosis for ALL vaccines for the past 30 years, which reports 487 cases of thrombosis (blood clots), resulting in 18 deaths, 65 permanent disabilities, and 110 life threatening events. (Source.)

So for the past 10 months following COVID-19 shots, there have been 26X more cases of blood clots, and 33X more deaths from blood clots, than cases and deaths due to blood clots following ALL vaccines for the past 30 years.

How about damaged hearts (carditis)?

According to the most recent (10.1.21) data entered into VAERS for COVID-19 shots during the past 10 months there have been 7,791 cases of carditis, resulting in 119 deaths, 250 permanent disabilities, and 867 life threatening events.

Using the same data set, we performed the exact same search for carditis for ALL vaccines for the past 30 years, which reports 911 cases, 97 deaths, 43 permanent disabilities, and 135 life threatening events.

So for the past 10 months following COVID-19 shots, there have been 8.5X more cases of heart disease, and 1.2X more deaths due to heart problems than cases and deaths due to heart problems following ALL vaccines for the past 30 years.

The Genocide of Our Senior Citizens

Seniors over the age of 65 comprise 76% of the recorded deaths following a COVID-19 shot, which translates to 12,396 deaths according to the latest statistics. (Source.)

How many seniors have died following vaccination for all vaccines for the past 30 years, before the COVID-19 shots were given emergency use authorization?

There were 1,068 deaths in people over the age of 65 following ALL vaccines for the past 30 years. (Source.)

So for the past 10 months, there have been 11.6X more deaths among people over the age of 65 than there have been for the past 30 years following ALL vaccines.

And yet the CDC and FDA just approved a 3rd “booster” COVID-19 shot for this age group.

These are the Reported Numbers, but What are the True Numbers of Dead and Injured following COVID-19 Shots?

Ever since the VAERS database began, it has been known that the system is a “passive” system, and is vastly under-reported.

Some estimates over the years have been published that theorized that perhaps only 1% of all cases are reported.

And we know from testimonies today of frontline workers working with patients in the hospitals that there is tremendous pressure put on nurses and doctors to NOT report side effects from the COVID-19 shots to the VAERS database.

But now, a comprehensive analysis regarding the under-reporting of COVID-19 adverse events has been conducted by Dr. Jessica Rose, who has a BSc in Applied Mathematics, an MSc in Immunology, and a PhD in Computational Biology.

Based on her analysis, which is already over 1 month old, at least 150,000 people have died following COVID-19 shots in the United States.

This is maybe the most brilliant analysis of the VAERS data I have ever seen. What Dr. Rose did was take an independent analysis of a single VAERS event, one that the FDA and CDC admitted was an adverse reaction based on trials before the shots were even authorized, anaphylaxis, and then looked at independent studies reporting the rate of anaphylaxis to determine the true percentage, compared to what is actually being reported in VAERS.

What she found was that anaphylaxis was being under-reported in VAERS by 41X. Read her full comprehensive analysis here:

STUDY: Government’s Own Data Reveals that at Least 150,000 Probably DEAD in U.S. Following COVID-19 Vaccines

So as damning as the government’s current data is which I just explained above in this article, take these statistics for the past 10 months following COVID-19 shots and multiply them by 41X, and then you will get a truer number of reality than what the government is currently reporting.

This is, by far, the biggest cover-up and scandal in the history of the human race.

A Universal Vaccine for Everyone on the Planet has been the Goal for the Eugenic Tyrants for Decades

If you have not yet seen the October, 2019 video that was recorded pre-COVID-19 where Anthony Fauci and other Globalists planned for a new kind of “Universal Flu Vaccine” that implemented new, untested technology called “mRNA” technology, then please go read my report and watch that video, as it will explain why we are at this place today in human history where medical tyrants who believe that they control the human race and the planet have been planning this “vaccine” for many years now.

BOMBSHELL: Video Emerges Where Fauci and Others Planned for a “Universal mRNA Flu Vaccine” Which Became the “COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine” Because People were not Afraid Enough of the Flu Virus

This video will reveal to you just how it can be that human life in 2021 has little to no value in the eugenicist psychopaths’ minds who believe that billions of people need to die to save humanity and the planet.

This knowledge can potentially save your life, and the lives of others who are still walking in the dark and have no clue as to what is actually transpiring in our world today.

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See Also:

COVID-19 “Vaccine” Casualties List

CDC: 16,310 DEAD 778,685 Injured Following COVID-19 Shots – 2.5X More Deaths than Following ALL Vaccines for Past 30 Years – 2,102 Fetal DEATHS

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See the Full List of Tragic Deaths and Injuries Here!



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