Globalists Meet this Week in Switzerland to Prepare Their Final Attack to Implement Their New World Order

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

World leaders meet this week in Davos, Switzerland with the World Economic Forum to plan their last stage of implementing their plans for a New World Order.

What comes next? Greg Reese summarizes what they are planning for this final attack, and how this is the Luciferian plan for Satan’s version of this New World Order.

For the alternative view, that God will use Satan and his demonic hoards to actually implement his New World Order, which is a Messianic New World Order, go here:

So whom should we fear? Satan and his puppets at the World Economic Forum, or God who is about to unleash his judgments upon the earth as prophesied in the Book of Revelation in the Bible?

This is from our Odysee channel, and is also on our Bitchute channel and Telegram channel.

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The post Globalists Meet this Week in Switzerland to Prepare Their Final Attack to Implement Their New World Order first appeared on Medical Kidnap.

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