The Day Truth Became Illegal – from the Heart of a Prophet, a Prayer by Brian Shilhavy

by Brian Shilhavy

I am trying something I have never done before. I am publishing one of my prayer dialogs I had with Jesus Christ recently.

It took me a few days to complete, because I wanted certain parts to be real and authentic, and not fake.

That opportunity presented itself to me recently when I published the story about baby Cyrus, which broke my heart.

When I started in 2014, documenting pure horror stories of families who were losing their children to the Satanic system every day, it was almost more than I could bear.

I did not leave my home for six months. I was afflicted with a terrible skin rash during that time, as I tried to cope with the reality of the evil around us, hidden to so many.

I clearly remember the first day I left my home, and stopped at a Big Box store to use their ATM to withdraw some cash for shopping.

I just stood there for several minutes watching all the people, especially the families who were shopping that day with their children, and thinking: “They have no idea how much danger they are in.”

Prayer and tears are what has kept me sane all these years. When we pray and pour out our heart before God, it is very important to then stop, and listen to what he has to say.

The words will come into your mind, and you should write them down, in a prayer journal.

That’s what I did here, and this is first time I have ever shared anything like this with the public.

My desire and hope is that it will motivate you to do the same thing. Pour out your heart, and all your anger and frustrations to the one who can actually do something about it.

And then just be still, and listen. You might be shocked at what you hear. He might want to change you, instead of the circumstances you are asking him to change.

On this day, I was shocked. Thoughts came into my mind in reply, that I never even thought about before.

I did not want to publish this. I feel embarrassed. But the Holy Spirit made me so uncomfortable the more I delayed, that finally I was more uncomfortable NOT publishing it than I was in publishing it.

So here it is.

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The post The Day Truth Became Illegal – from the Heart of a Prophet, a Prayer by Brian Shilhavy first appeared on Medical Kidnap.

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