Vaccine Cult Exposed by Government’s Own Data: More than 50% of ALL Vaccine Adverse Reactions Reported for Past 30+ Years Have Occurred in Past 11 Months Following COVID-19 Shots

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

The latest data dump into the U.S. Government’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) happened late yesterday afternoon (11/29/21) and covers data through 11/19/21.

The VAERS database was mandated by Congress over 30 years ago, beginning in 1990, and is maintained by the U.S. CDC and FDA.

As of yesterday’s update, there are now a total of 1,765,262 cases of adverse events following all vaccines for the past 30+ years, including the experimental COVID-19 shots that have been issued emergency use authorization and are not yet approved by the FDA (source).

(Note: The FDA did approve one of the Pfizer shots, but the one they approved is not in circulation within the U.S. at this time.)

Of those 1,765,262 cases of adverse events following all vaccines for the past 30+ years, 913,268 of them (52%) have been reported during the past 11 months following COVID-19 shots (source).

68% of ALL Recorded Deaths Following Vaccines for the Past 30+ Years Have Followed COVID-19 Shots for the Past 11 Months

For the past 30+ years there have been 28,379 deaths recorded in VAERS following all vaccines, including the COVID-19 EUA shots.

68% of those deaths, 19,249, have followed COVID-19 shots in the past 11 months. (Same sources as above.)

61% of ALL Recorded Life Threatening Events Following Vaccines for the Past 30+ Years Have Followed COVID-19 Shots for the Past 11 Months

For the past 30+ years there have been 35,524 life threatening events recorded in VAERS following all vaccines, including the COVID-19 EUA shots.

61% of those life threatening events, 21,582, have followed COVID-19 shots in the past 11 months. (Same sources as above.)

60% of ALL Recorded Permanent Disabilities Following Vaccines for the Past 30+ Years Have Followed COVID-19 Shots for the Past 11 Months

For the past 30+ years there have been 51,231 permanent disabilities recorded in VAERS following all vaccines, including the COVID-19 EUA shots.

60% of those permanent disabilities, 30,967, have followed COVID-19 shots in the past 11 months. (Same sources as above.)

55% of ALL Recorded Hospitalizations Following Vaccines for the Past 30+ Years Have Followed COVID-19 Shots for the Past 11 Months

For the past 30+ years there have been 178,383 hospitalizations recorded in VAERS following all vaccines, including the COVID-19 EUA shots.

55% of those hospitalizations, 97,561, have followed COVID-19 shots in the past 11 months. (Same sources as above.)

20% of ALL Recorded ER Visits Following Vaccines for the Past 30+ Years Have Followed COVID-19 Shots for the Past 11 Months

For the past 30+ years there have been 507,064 ER visits recorded in VAERS following all vaccines, including the COVID-19 EUA shots.

20% of those ER visits, 101,373, have followed COVID-19 shots in the past 11 months. (Same sources as above.)

(Note: It is well-reported that there have been a shortage of hospital workers this year, with some ERs even closing completely, so it is very likely that this percentage of ER visits following COVID-19 shots would be even higher if the nation’s hospitals were working at full staffing as in past years.)

Conclusion: The Government’s own Data Show that COVID-19 Experimental Shots are NOT Safe!

After reviewing this data supplied by the U.S. Government, how can anyone conclude that the experimental COVID-19 shots are safe?

With all the boosters being rolled out now, one might be tempted to think that there have been exponentially more COVID-19 shots administered than in previous years to account for these large numbers.

But we are talking about 11 months of data for ONE single class of “vaccine” compared to ALL vaccines for the past 30+ years!

It would probably take considerable time to research how many doses of every kind of vaccine have been distributed for the past 30+ years since 1990, but we do have totals supplied by the CDC for one of the classes of vaccines, the annual flu shot.

According to the CDC, from 1990 through 2021, there have been over 3 billion flu shots (3,104,500,000) distributed in the U.S. (Source.) The 2020-2021 flu season alone distributed about 194 million flu doses. (Source.)

In comparison, according to the CDC, for the three currently authorized COVID-19 shots, there have been 459 million doses distributed in the U.S. through November 30, 2021. (Source.)

So just for one vaccine, the flu shot, there have been 6X more shots given for the past 30+ years, and that does not include the many dozens of other vaccines given over the past 30+ years, mostly to children.

These COVID-19 shots are not safe. They are deadly.

And when we discuss children, this whole vaccination eugenics program turns very dark, and very evil.

When we search for all the recorded deaths following FDA-approved vaccines for the past 30+ years, about 50% of those deaths have been recorded for children under the age of 3. (Source.)

The COVID-19 EUA shots have not yet been approved for this age group, although Moderna and Pfizer are currently conducting trials on children between the ages of 6 months old and 4 years old, and Anthony Fauci has promised us that these shots will be authorized for this age group after the first of the year (2022).

So while 68% of ALL deaths following injections have occurred in the past 11 months following COVID-19 shots, 19,249, only 4 of those deaths have been recorded so far in children under the age of 3. (Source.)

One of those cases appears to be an error (death by suicide; 12/26/20, self inflicted gun shot wound), one was a “5 month old breastfed infant,” one was a fetal death in the first trimester, and the other one may be a death from the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine trials for this age group, where the infant had a seizure.

What are these numbers going to look like when they start injecting these fragile babies with these killer COVID-19 shots?

Well, given how many unborn children are dying in the womb of their pregnant mother who received one of these shots, and the historical data that young children are the most susceptible to deaths following vaccination, we should literally expect a massacre.

From the data released into VAERS yesterday, we have found 2,732 fetal deaths, which includes ectopic pregnancies, which is when a fertilized egg grows outside a woman’s uterus, and then the fetus has to be surgically or chemically removed. (Source.)

We have previously reported that ectopic pregnancies following COVID-19 shots have been reported at 50 X more than reported following ALL vaccines for the past 30+ years. See:

VAERS Data Reveals 50 X More Ectopic Pregnancies Following COVID Shots than Following ALL Vaccines for Past 30 Years

Using this same exact search in VAERS to determine fetal deaths following COVID-19 shots for the past 11 months, which found 2,732 fetal deaths, we applied it to ALL vaccines that are non-COVID for the past 30+ years, and it returned 2,163 deaths. (Source.)

That’s an average of about 72 fetal deaths per year following all FDA-approved vaccines for the past 30+ years, compared to what is on pace to be 2980 fetal deaths in 1 year following COVID-19 shots.

  • FDA-approved vaccines: 72 fetal deaths per year
  • COVID-19 EUA shots: 2980 fetal deaths per year

Here is a screen shot from a Social Media thread just recently posted.

Here is a video we produced in October showing some of the effects of these shots on unborn children.

This is Not About Science or Public Health – This is a Religious-like Vaccine Cult

Faced with this data that comes directly from the U.S. Government’s own VAERS database, which is vastly under-reported as so many medical professionals have now come forward as whistleblowers to reveal how much pressure is being put on them NOT to report these deaths injuries to VAERS (Watch: COVID Vaccine Injuries & Deaths COVER-UP! Nurse Whistleblowers Speak Out on Pressure to NOT Report), why are people still lining up to get these killer shots, and even worse, allowing their children to be injected with them?

We only covered the U.S. Government data in this article so far showing that these experimental shots are very clearly dangerous, but not only are they killer shots, they also don’t work for the main purpose that people have been convinced to take them: to stop the spread of COVID-19 so we can all return to a “normal life.”

This is biggest lie that the pharma-owned corporate media has broadcast to the public, as we have a record of WHO director Tedros Adhanom recently telling Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro that the vaccines are not even designed to stop transmission, only to prevent serious illness and death. See:

Brazilian President tells WHO Director “People are Dying” After COVID Shots – Pleads with WHO to Publicly NOT Recommend it for Children

Even Bill Gates stated in a recent interview that “we need a new way of doing the vaccines” because they don’t do a good job of stopping transmission. See:

Bill Gates: mRNA Vaccines Don’t Stop Transmission – We Need a New Way of Doing Vaccines

And according to official public data, COVID deaths in 2021 after almost a half billion doses of COVID-19 EUA shots are HIGHER than 2020 COVID deaths when there was no COVID-19 “vaccine.”

And yet, now that we are almost 1 year into the experimental “vaccines,” and we have all this data to show that they are neither safe nor effective, if you present this data to those who are still pro-COVID-19 “vaccines,” it will not convince most of them.

It is a political and ideological issue to them, the facts be damned.

This is the classic definition of a “cult.”

I prefer to use “The Free Dictionary” to look up definitions of English words as opposed to the Merriam Webster dictionary, which is owned by a Jewish Swiss financier, and has changed the definition of “vaccine” several times this year, and even recently named “vaccine” as “Top Word of the Year.” (Source.) See:

The Evolving Definition of “Vaccine” in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary for 2021

The Free Dictionary website, which uses the more traditional “American Heritage Dictionary,” defines “cult” as:

cult (kŭlt)
1. a. A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader.
b. The followers of such a religion or sect.
2. A system or community of religious worship and ritual.
3. The formal means of expressing religious reverence; religious ceremony and ritual.
4. A usually nonscientific method or regimen claimed by its originator to have exclusive or exceptional power in curing a particular disease.
5. a. Obsessive, especially faddish, devotion to or veneration for a person, principle, or thing.
b. The object of such devotion.
6. An exclusive group of persons sharing an esoteric, usually artistic or intellectual interest.

Cult members are usually referred to as “deceived” and “brain washed.”

This is clearly what we are dealing with today, all in the name of “science.”

The Bible refers to it as a “delusion.”

The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing.

They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness. (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12)

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See the Full List of Tragic Deaths and Injuries Here!



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The post Vaccine Cult Exposed by Government’s Own Data: More than 50% of ALL Vaccine Adverse Reactions Reported for Past 30+ Years Have Occurred in Past 11 Months Following COVID-19 Shots first appeared on Medical Kidnap.

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