2023 Nov 7 The Bryan Hyde Show

The Bryan Hyde Show

Revel in Wrongthink


Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos joins me for our usual Tuesday chat. We talk current events as well as automotive news.

War is always a part of the Fourth Turning cycle. James Howard Kunstler affirms that America is currently setting itself up to fight 4 wars at once.

What would you do if you knew that you were standing on a bullseye where a bomb would soon be dropped? Jeff Thomas has some timely advice on escaping the socioeconomic bullseye.

Candace McManimon says, with all the chatter about "toxic masculinity," some women are losing sight of why masculine men are so often unsung heroes.

Article of the Day:

It's never a bad idea to look for the silver lining in any dark cloud. Having said that, Peter Jacobsen sets the record straight on how higher wages are not a "silver lining" for inflation.


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