2023 Nov 9 The Bryan Hyde Show

This may seem like an insensitive thing to point out but there is a clear advantage for kids who grow up with parents who are married. Katrina Trinko shares the politically incorrect reality about what boosts a kid's chances for success.
A bottom-up reformation is taking place in education as more parents begin to exercise their right of choice in how their children are educated. Kerry McDonald explains why as education decentralizes, those who like control are getting nervous.
Is MAGA something that exists beyond Donald Trump's candidacy? J.B. Shurk makes a solid case that MAGA is the new sons and daughters of liberty.
One of the toughest obstacles that lovers of freedom must overcome is the public's tendency to see the control-at-all-costs agenda as something innocent. Todd Hayen takes that misconception apart nicely.
Article of the Day:
When Doug Casey weighs in on a subject, it's worth considering what he has to say. Here's his take on the imminent bankruptcy of the U.S. government and 6 things that need to take place when it happens.
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