2023 Sept 15 The Bryan Hyde Show

If you're more inclined to seek out solutions rather than loudly point out problems, here's a commentary you'll likely enjoy. Gary M. Galles says we need more people who are willing to ask why things are the way they are.
The merger of health care and government has only worked out for those who are a part of the new medical cartel. Lawrence M. Vance offers 10 health care ideas for everyone.
If you've felt a calling to write, now is the time to answer that call. J.B. Shurk issues a call to quills for writers everywhere.
The moment of decision is approaching for each of us. Will we choose comfort over freedom? The G20 attendees are openly announcing plans to implement digital currencies and IDs worldwide.
Article of the Day:
Fighting evil doesn't necessarily require drawing a sword. However, as Karen Hunt explains, it does require speaking the truth while walking through fire.
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