2023 Sept 21 The Bryan Hyde Show

The Bryan Hyde Show

Revel in Wrongthink


The dust is beginning to settle over New Mexico's governor attempting to enact an "emergency" gun ban. Mike Maharrey breaks down the reasons why the ban was a clear violation of the right of self defense.

Forced charity has become the norm with government taking from some to give to others. Axel Weber explains why true charity can only blossom under free market capitalism.

There are a lot of "isms" floating around out there. J.B Shurk has some timely advice on the difference between communism, fascism and globalism.

Nobody likes to play the fool but there's no substitute for making mistakes when it comes to achieving wisdom and growth. Francisco Zuniga makes a strong case for why our mistakes are our friends.

Article of the Day:

Next time someone demands that you give specific ways that government is getting too intrusive, here's a list of 20 common functions of American life that the bureaucrats would like to regulate, restrict or outright ban.


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