A Tale of Three Metals and The Fate of Western Civilization



The Romans drank beverages prepared in lead vessels, and brought spring water into their homes through lead pipes. Lead poisoning undoubtedly hastened the fall of the Roman empire. So when we think about the evidence that we are harming ourselves, and our children, with lead in the water, mercury in the air, mercury in flu vaccines, and aluminum in many other vaccines, one has to wonder: what are the likely effects on society?

  1. African Americans will suffer the most. Due to Vitamin D deficiency, African Americans at northern latitudes can be expected to be most sensitive to toxins because they rely on dietary Vitamin D to drive their cellular detoxification systems. The fix? Measure blood Vitamin D levels, and absent any mutation that would preclude increased doses of Vitamin D, improve brain health via addition Vitamin D supplementation.
  2. Young adults (millenials) will have different sociality, and higher rates of early-age psychological disorders such as schizophrenia. They may also experience higher rates of early age of onset Parkison’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and other neurodegenerative diseases. The fix? Filter aluminum out of the water, try silica-rich mineral waters, silica drops, with a preference for sources with the more biologically available silicic acid. In short, detoxify their food, water, and everything in their environment, and more (see below).
  3. Young children with special education needs will tend to be more violent and brain studies will show increased presence of amyloid precursor protein, the kind responsible for Alzheimer’s disease.
  4. There will be a population-wide downward shift in IQ.
  5. There will be a plague of multiple chemical sensitivity.
  6. Academics will be stretched thin and the curriculum dumbed down to the point where schools will have to stop giving grades. When 20% of the class can no longer function academically to take and exam, the rest will be asked to “help” their classmates learn.
  7. Families will become increasingly stressful social units. Divorce rates will skyrocket.
  8. People will become increasingly dependent on the State (Nanny State).
  9. Those most able to withstand the toxic effects of accumulating neurotoxins will become increasingly taxed because their income and property will have to sustain an increasingly demanding medico-government empire.
  10. When they, too, begin to fall apart, the tax base will falter.
  11. Violence will become increasingly common. Those most damaged will tend to kill and injure those who are capable.
  12. America will tear itself apart from within.

This doomsday scenario is not inevitable. So what can we do to prevent this?

  1. Listen to the mothers. They have experience in what works. NIH has avoided real research on neurodevelopment disorders that address neurotoxic metal exposure since the CDC worked so hard to defraud the public on the vaccine/autism link. They gambled, lost, and we now pay the cost.
  2. These solutions must be tested in combinations in clinical studies to insure safety, and also to validate them (if they do help). They must be studied NOW, before it’s too late.

Option 1. Environmental Detoxification. Remove all neotoxins from your home. Use reverse osmosis water filters, and use filtered water for everything – even cooking – because aluminum is used to condition the water coming from the tap. Fluoride is another issue, and your filtration should also remove fluoride. Eat organic foods and nothing out of aluminum containers. Certainly never cook in aluminum pots.

Option 2. Get the Aluminum Out. Consider using high silicic acid mineral water, or adding silicic acid drops to your filtered water to bind any aluminum from food. Other possibilities include malic acid, magnesium, and acetoacetic acid:

Principles of Orthomolecularism. R.A.S. Hemat: “Aluminum can be effectively complexed and excreted with silicon, a complex of malic acid and mg, and acetoacetic acid.”

Precise combinations that work best and are safe are not yet determined. That’s why we need studies.

Doctor Toni Bark, MD informs me that ketogenic diet can also help reduce brain inflammation and reduce the effects of toxic metals from the body and the brain – including the reduction of brain amyloid. And Dr. Richard Frey’s research on intranasal insulin and intranasal deferoxamine seems very promising for the actual removal of iron and aluminum from the brain. Care should be taken to conduct any such research under the direct care of a physician.

Option 3. Up the Vitamin D3, watch the A, Avoid Folic Acid. Dr. Keith Baggerly, MD, has determined that the FDA flubbed in it recommended daily Vit D intake. As a result, most Americans are Vit D deficient. Increased Vitamin D3 can be expected to improve many aspects of health by helping our cells properly fold proteins. Vits A and D are antagonistic, and so watch all sources of Vit A and make sure you and your child are not taking in too much Vitamin A. Read The Big Vitamin D Mistake. and Grant Genereux’s resources on Vit A toxicity [1] [2].

Much of our population has MTHFR mutations that cause problems with Folic Acid. Moms taking prenatal vitamins should seek methyl folate or folinic acid instead of folic acid. Children’s vitamins with methyl folate are also available.

Option 5. Reduce Brain Inflammation. Chronic low-grade inflammation is a hallmark of autism. Powerful brain antioxidants include N-acetylcysteine and glutathione. It seems likely that everyone with a brain could benefit from less brain inflammation.

Option 6. Improve the Gut. The commensal (helpful) bacteria in the large intestine can become significantly altered after antibiotic use to treat ear infections, most likely caused by harm from to the immune system from thimerosal. Pro-biotics may help, as will eating organic.

Option 7. Keep This Handy for Bad Head Days. Brain dysfunction from metal-induce excitotoxicity involves high glutmate levels in the brain. Oxaloacetate can reduce blood glutamate levels, allowing the excess glutamate in the brain to spill into the blood. Oxaloacetate is used after stroke to reduce the exitotoxic brain injury. Research is needed to determine if it should be used after vaccination to reduce the incidence of vaccine-induced excitotoxicity. And aluminum should be removed from vaccines because the schedule results in toxic doses in infants.

Option 8. HBOT is HOT. Consider Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT). HBOT can increase de novo neurogenesis. If the brain has suffered a loss of neurons due to toxic exposure, increased neurogenesis – at the right time in development – could ultimately be shown to increase IQ.

Option 9. Avoid Thimerosal. If you choose to use a flu vaccination, ask the doctor for the type of flu shot that does not contain thimerosal.

Option 10. Tell Congress You Want Research Reform.

No studies of the synergistic toxicity of aluminum, lead and mercury have been conducted at doses reflecting the vaccine schedule and daily exposure due to leaching of lead from pipes into homes.

We know which homes have lead pipes. Departments of Health should consider telling parents of children in those homes to avoid exposures to mercury and to aluminum – in other words, to skip vaccines that contain these neurotoxic metals. The children will become more educated, better behaved, make better decisions, commit fewer crimes, and overall have better lives. Toxicity of lead, aluminum and mercury is synergistic.

No studies of the options and combinations of options listed above have been conducted to determine if we could improve overall brain health in children and adults. This research is badly needed. YOU can make it happen.

Make an appointment with your Congressional Representative and ask them to create the Brain Health 2030 initiative designed to reverse the ill effects of the past 30 years of industry and medicine on brains, and on our childrens’ brains. These interventions are not intrusive. Studies could be done also with the Department of Education to determine whether reports of violence decrease, grades increase, drop-out rates decrease if entire SCHOOLS – including administrators – are enrolled in Healthy Brain programs, which could incorporate aspects of mindfulness.

You can join the Neurodevelopment Research Reform group on Facebook where ideas on the Brain Health 2030 initiative are shared. And you can support our efforts to compile the most promising evidence-based approaches to improving brain health by supporting IPAK’s Neurodevelopment Research Reform Initiative.

This article is a call for research reform. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Check with your physician before changing any mode of medical treatment for your child, or yourself.

Further Reading:

Lyons-Weiler, J and R. Ricketson. 2018. Reconsideration of the Immunotherapeutic Pediatric Safe Dose Levels of Aluminum. Journal and Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 48:67 73.


Thanks to Tim Lundeen for the Vit A information and of course to the outstanding medical doctor, Dr. Toni Bark, MD for permission to cite her expertise.

Original source: https://jameslyonsweiler.com/2018/04/07/a-tale-of-three-metals-and-the-fate-western-civilization/

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