“Burn Your Masks!” Massive Anti-Lockdown Protests Rage Worldwide

by ZeroHedge News

Thousands, and possibly tens-of-thousands of protesters across Europe marched on Saturday against continued government lockdowns and other pandemic restrictions based on questionable science – which have resulted in mass unemployment, destroyed small businesses, stoked widespread depression and mental illness, and cost taxpayers trillions to keep the whole ship from sinking.

Protesters in London, Germany, France, Sweden, The Netherlands, Australia, Belgium, Japan, Vienna and elsewhere came out for the Worldwide Rally for Freedom.

In central London, thousands of anti-lockdown activists were seen walking through Hyde Park, chanting “stand up, take our freedom back!

In Germany, police used pepper spray on protesters in the city of Kassel, where 15,000 – 20,000 demonstrators showed up, according to the Daily Mail. Some 1,800 officers were placed on standby in Berlin.

Several thousand people gathered at the main protest site on a square in Kessel’s city centre, packed closely together without wearing face masks, an AFP reporter saw.

Scuffles erupted when a group of demonstrators tried to break through a police cordon to join up with other protesters, resulting in shoving and prompting officers to use pepper spray. -Daily Mail

In Melbourne, Australia, protesters chanting “Free to speak. Free to breathe” came out by the thousands.


The Netherlands:




This is what happens when you destroy economies based on questionable science.

Read the full article at ZeroHedge News.

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Original source: https://medicalkidnap.com/2021/03/20/burn-your-masks-massive-anti-lockdown-protests-rage-worldwide/

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