Ep. 444: The Seventh Pillar of Self-Esteem (Part 3) Obstacles to Motivation – Domination Systems and the Kluge Brain


SchoolSucksProject.com – Education Evolution

Wes Bertrand and I reboot our series based on Nathaniel Branden’s book, Six Pillars of Self-Estee…

Wes Bertrand and I reboot our series based on Nathaniel Branden’s book, Six Pillars of Self-Esteem. This extension to the original series focuses on Branden’s concluding chapter and what he calls the "seventh pillar." We will be reviewing each of the six pillars; the previous discussions focused on the what and the why of those practices, and this time we turn our attention to the how.

Domination systems scale up. From the home…

to the schools…

to the military and the police…

to the state.

– The main hurdles: (in embracing and working towards a better concept of self)
– Systems of domination (abusive and neglectful parenting, schooling, religion, and government),
which sacrifice needs and induce trauma
– Eisler’s Domination Cultures vs. Partnership Cultures (and the problems with that view)
– Origins of Domination systems (are they an evolutionary step?)
– Myth of Redemptive Violence. It enshrines the belief that violence saves, that war brings peace, that might makes right. It is one of the oldest continuously repeated stories in the world."
– the relatively non-integrated and non-optimally designed brain that struggles to make sense of traumatizing experiences (being overpowered, overwhelmed, or put in jeopardy) and the sacrifice of needs in general
– overcoming the kluge

1. The Practice of Living Consciously
2. The Practice of Self-Acceptance
3. The Practice of Self-Responsibility
4. The Practice of Self-Assertiveness
5. The Practice of Living Purposefully
6. The Practice of Personal Integrity

Bumper Music:
Dick & Dee Dee – "Turn Around"
Steve Winwood – "Higher Love"

Look Closer:
Complete Liberty Podcast
Happiness Counseling Resource Page
The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem (pdf)

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Original source: https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/schoolsucks/episodes/2016-07-29T07_04_58-07_00

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