Ep. 448: The Alluring Alt-Right (With Jeffrey Tucker)


SchoolSucksProject.com – Education Evolution

A few days after Hillary Clinton’s speech about Donald Trump and the Alt-Right, Jeffrey Tucker re…

A few days after Hillary Clinton’s speech about Donald Trump and the Alt-Right, Jeffrey Tucker returned to School Sucks to discuss
-the swinging pendulum of extremism
-his attempts to build alliances between libertarians and right-wingers with Murray Rothbard in the early 90s
-the ideological origins of modern nativism, nationalism and protectionism

Also Discussed:
-Five Differences Between the Alt-Right and Libertarianism
-Thomas Carlyle, the Founding Father of Fascism
-a tiny doorway of legitimate concerns – social engineering and the forceful end of debate – through which a deluge of violence and insanity can poor
-Trump’s fascist talking points and ideations all have corollaries or mirrors on the left
-a moratorium on calling people racists? A word that now means nothing
-Alt-Right view: hopelessness and maybe even naiveté of libertarianism
-Shame bananas
-collectives on the move
-everything is a zero-sum game (Trump’s hostility towards free trade)
-actually fighting political correctness
-the left’s racism problem

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Look Closer:
Jeffrey Tucker On School Sucks Podcast
Omnipotent Government: The Rise of the Total State and Total War

Original source: https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/schoolsucks/episodes/2016-08-31T11_12_38-07_00

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