Ep. 456: Can Technology Save Our Precious Schools? (Brett On Sovryn Tech)


SchoolSucksProject.com – Education Evolution

Brian Sovryn and I discuss the popular canard – perpetuated by media, TED talkers and the "public…

Brian Sovryn and I discuss the popular canard – perpetuated by media, TED talkers and the "public schools just need more money" crowd – that new technology can revolutionize education inside public schools. So far, studies don’t back this idea.

And neither do we.

Jump to the 35:00 mark to hear the topic in the title discussed.

– Public Schools are currently trying to co-opt the thing that will ultimately destroy them
– Those trying to save the system like to tell two stories, while discarding all the important lessons from them
1. Sugata Mitra and the "Hole-In-the-Wall Experiment"
2. One laptop Per Child successes in Ethiopia
– Addressing a series of myths about the impact of new technology in public school
– Some alarming facts about the educational book industry

Look Closer:
Sovryn Tech Podcast – https://soundcloud.com/sovryntech
Brian’s Site: ZOG.ninja – https://zog.ninja
Technology doesn’t make school pupils smarter, study says – http://phys.org/news/2015-09-technology-doesnt-school-pupils-smarter.html

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Original source: https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/schoolsucks/episodes/2016-10-18T10_51_55-07_00

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