Ep. 464: SPEED AND POLITICS (Interlude – "A Discussion Is Beginning" – The Opportunity At University of Toronto


SchoolSucksProject.com – Education Evolution

Today’s podcast is an expansion of the previous episode. It features an interview with Geoffrey "…

Today’s podcast is an expansion of the previous episode. It features an interview with Geoffrey "Biffo" Liew. He is a University of Toronto student, the organizer of the now infamous University of Toronto Rally For Free Speech, and a longtime listener to the School Sucks Podcast.

Some footage from The University of Toronto Rally For Free Speech:

The "pronouns" debate:

My Questions For Geoffrey "Biffo" Liew:
– Who you are and what you’re studying at U of T?
– what has the campus climate been like for the last 2 months, how pervasive through U of T is this conflict we’re all watching online?
– How have you tried to connect with Social Justice activists? What has the dialog or lack thereof been like with people who are hostile?
– The Pathology of "No justice, no peace."
– Reflecting on past experiences, we can both understand the SJW mindset
– what were the outcomes of the on-campus gender pronoun debate?
– what motivated you to organize an event for Jordan Peterson?
– How has Peterson influenced your life?
– what opportunities are students missing by allowing him to be cast as an intolerant villain ?

What This Series Is About:
Political thinking is often quick thinking.

Thinking quickly is is an evolution-driven feature that was once necessary for our survival. But in a vastly more complex world than the one our species grew up in, this mode of thought is often dangerous and destructive. Look around.

Sometimes some people, even libertarians, use mental shortcuts to arrive at faulty conclusions, and then engage in a process of rationalization for those conclusions.

This series will combine observations of the left and pro-Trump right over the last year with the valuable lessons from Daniel Kahneman’s book Thinking, Fast and Slow. The goal is utilize examples of thinking errors to avoid making them ourselves, often without even noticing.

Related Shows:
[PODCAST] #449: Sex-Ed (Part 2) – Widening the Space
[PODCAST] #446: Sex-Ed (Part 1) – Back To Biology Class?

Look Closer:


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Original source: https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/schoolsucks/episodes/2016-12-13T04_53_35-08_00

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