Ep. 479: Deschool Yourself – With Zak Slayback and Jeff Till


SchoolSucksProject.com – Education Evolution

Please check out the entire 8-part Deschooling series at deschoolyourself.com.


Please check out the entire 8-part Deschooling series at deschoolyourself.com.

-What are the personal, professional and motivational problems school helps to create?

Deschooling Discussion:
-The disowned self
-Nathaniel Branden’s Six Pillars of self-esteem as an answer to John Taylor Gatto’s Seven Lesson Schoolteacher
-Provisional self-esteem
-Why parents avoid examinations of school and how that avoidance perpetuates the damage
-The self-improvement gurus need to address schooling
-New 21st century challenges to Ivan Illich Deschooling Society model from 1971
-How to use school’s means – accountability and measurement – to aid in the deschooling process
-Growth through Stoic "what ifs"
-How a lack of self knowledge can lead to self sabotage
-Creating a support support system for self examination and self improvement

Look Closer:
School Sucks archives on deschooling
Zak Slayback on School Sucks Podcast
Jeff Till on School Sucks Podcast

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Original source: https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/schoolsucks/episodes/2017-03-12T07_50_35-07_00

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