Ep. 493: The Grim Legacy of The New Left (With Nikos Sotirakopoulos)


SchoolSucksProject.com – Education Evolution

(Part One) Our investigation into the philosophical roots of social justice continues…


(Part One) Our investigation into the philosophical roots of social justice continues…

Nikos Sotirakopoulos is a lecturer in Sociology at the Department of Social Sciences at Loughborough University, UK. He joins me today for more exploration into failed movements for personal liberation. We focus on the Frankfurt School and the New Left.

– Murray Bookchin and lifestyle anarchism
– Book: The Rise of Lifestyle Activism From New Left to Occupy
– a distinction between the old and new left
– projecting what we don’t like onto the Frankfurt School and postmodernism
– a new narrative that allowed leftism to survive
– Ayn Rand’s warnings: "The New Left" and "Atlas Shrugged"
– How did Frankfurt School thinkers view the Enlightenment?
– The allure of the New Left in the context of the 1960s
– the costs of anti-philosophical individualism
– Marcuse: "make love, not war" what was his motivation?
– what is meant by degeneracy?
– Leftism diminishes self-sufficiency, economic remedies follow
– the wrong ways out of alienation

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Original source: https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/schoolsucks/episodes/2017-05-15T07_58_12-07_00

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