Ep. 509: Conflicts Without Protagonists


SchoolSucksProject.com – Education Evolution

Today, another story about a "by any means necessary" approach to fighting Nazis…

Manuel Pas…

Today, another story about a "by any means necessary" approach to fighting Nazis…

Manuel Pasquale returns for a discussion about Fascism, Communism and the lessons WWII can teach us about dividing the world into good and evil. We focus our story around the dangerous mythology of Prime Minister Winston Churchill, who is the subject of two feature films this year.

Manuel’s YouTube Channel

– Monologue: Good and Evil in Charlottesville
– modern Western mythology is used to sell imperialist pursuits
– Why are 2 Churchill movies (and Dunkirk) coming out this year?
– World War II precipitated the downfall of western civilization
– Who was Winston Churchill?
– Hitler’s aversion to a two front war
– Defending Poland’s "sovereignty" – hypocrisy
– The Dunkirk debate
– Churchill’s Sinking of the French Fleet
– Jewish exile plan, how the Holocaust became inevitable
– British inteligence and the South American map
– Communism vs Anglo-colonialism
– Churchill’s War crimes
– WWII ties to current events

Look Closer:
1. Rethinking Churchill, by Ralph Raico

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Original source: https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/schoolsucks/episodes/2017-08-16T13_06_00-07_00

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