Ep. 511: James Davis – Forced Learning Is Too Dangerous


SchoolSucksProject.com – Education Evolution

(FreeCoast Fest, Day 1, Newmarket, NH)
James Davis is a long-time School Sucks listener and sup…

(FreeCoast Fest, Day 1, Newmarket, NH)
James Davis is a long-time School Sucks listener and supporter. James promotes and exemplifies peaceful parenting, self-directed learning and entrepreneurship in the NH seacoast liberty community. He is the co-founder at Daily Fantasy Sports Rankings and the co-founder at Camp Stomping Ground.

– who is going to help your kids gain context for the things they see in the world
– children are targets for political manipulation
– sailboat children: basic literacy without critical thinking
– how James and his wife moved from preparing to be public school teachers to embracing self-directed education
– why most teachers and parents aren’t experimenting, learning and seeking best practices
– Be a Sherpa, not a sculptor
– How a six-year-old becomes a fluent reader
– Self-care for parents
– Not always living up to your ideals, reflection

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Original source: https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/schoolsucks/episodes/2017-09-11T05_16_52-07_00

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