North Carolina College Professor DEAD After Johnson and Johnson COVID Shot

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Family friends of Virginia Ellington, a North Carolina college professor who taught at Appalachian State University, have contacted Health Impact News to inform us of the 63-year-old’s death just 48 hours after receiving the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine.

The local medical examiner did something that is almost unheard of, and wrote that the vaccine was one of the “significant conditions contributing to her death.”

However, WRAL is reporting that this is just a preliminary report, as they did the customary interview of “health authorities” who of course are saying that the vaccine did not cause her death, and that everyone should still get the vaccine.

So it is more than likely that the refence to the vaccine will NOT be on the final death certificate.

A Chapel Hill woman who says her mother died of a stroke 48 hours after receiving the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine spoke to WRAL News about her concerns and the questions she has about her mother’s death. The state and a UNC doctor, though, warn about drawing any conclusions yet.

Becca Ingle is understandably devastated after her mother’s sudden death two weeks ago. She says her mother was in good health, but started feeling very ill shortly after getting the vaccine. She wants to know if her mother’s death could be connected to the vaccine. The state is investigating this case and so is WRAL.

As a college professor who worked in person with her students at Appalachian State University and spent lots of time caring for her two grandchildren, 63-year-old Virginia Ellington was counting the days until she could be vaccinated against COVID-19.

“I have texts from her saying how excited she was to get it,” her daughter, Ingle, said.

Ingle said her mother and father got the Johnson & Johnson vaccine on the morning of Monday, March 8, at the Watauga Health Center in Boone.

Ellington started feeling very tired and even asked her husband about possible vaccine side effects, Ingle told WRAL News.

Ellington went to work the next day but was still feeling unwell, according to her family. On Wednesday, March 10, she stayed in bed. A little while later, her husband returned to the bedroom to find her unresponsive.

“He tried giving her CPR, and he called 911, and they said she was gone when they got there,” Ingle said.

Ingle said the local doctor, who did a preliminary examination, told the family that her mother died of a stroke. The local medical examiner, a paramedic and a teacher who signed the death certificate, wrote that the vaccine was one of the “significant conditions contributing to her death.”

“We were all shocked when we saw that was even on there,” Ingle said.

Ingle shared her questions about the vaccine and her mother’s death on TikTok. The post has had more than 4 million views, but it received mixed reviews. TikTok even placed a warning on it.

“It just breaks my heart that this is what happened and this is what it takes to share her story,” Ingle said.

Ingle says her mother was in good health prior to her death.

“It (the vaccine) definitely escalated things,” she said. “Whether she was going to have a stroke in 30 years or whether she was going to have it now, it definitely triggered it.”

Dr. Stephan Moll, a medical professor, researcher and hematologist at UNC Health, believes connecting the vaccine to a stroke is a rush to judgment.

“The vaccine is appropriate for everybody independent of the family history or their personal history,” he said.

He thinks mention of the vaccine should not have been included on the death certificate.

Read the full story at

This is truly tragic, and if she was asking her husband after she received the shot what the “side effects” were, it probably means she did not research it prior to getting it.

As we have stated recently, expect more stories about teachers and educators dying and becoming injured following these experimental COVID injections, since they are the main target group in the population now to be injected.

Please people, do your homework on these injections BEFORE consenting to them! These are experimental products that are NOT approved by the FDA!

At the very least read the FDA guidelines that legally are supposed to be given to anyone BEFORE they are injected, but seldom are, because doctors and health professionals have ZERO legal liabilities, even if they fail to do their job to give you appropriate warnings, as is required by law.

The law is basically worthless when the experimental pHARMa product is issued due a “pandemic,” and we will probably be under the state of some kind of “pandemic” now indefinitely into the future since it is working so well for Big Pharma and all their new products they are testing directly on the population.

Who needs an expensive laboratory and researchers when you can test a product LIVE on the public with no fear of liability?!

How much research would you put in before purchasing a car, or purchasing a home? Would you not read ALL the reviews, including the negative ones?

How much more so for a biological injection that could harm or kill you, ending your life? See:

Why Would Anyone Choose to Receive an Experimental COVID mRNA Injection?

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